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Organizational network analysis: collaboration & performance

Analyzing the relationship between time invested in collaborative activities (virtual and in-person meetings, emails, chats) and employee performance is a key challenge for HR departments aiming to design effective hybrid work environments.

Excessive collaboration may be impacting in  employee performance

An employee's performance is closely linked to the quantity and quality of individual time available to accomplish their work.


Key indicators of collaboration such as meetings, emails, chats, collaborative tools

Heatmap of

Investigate time usage patterns to create better collaboration routines

Correlation with performance

Discover the optimal range of collaboration time in relation to performance


Identify if collaboration is draining teams' energy, commitment, and productivity

Main benefits

In-person vs.

Identify if there is a distinct collaboration pattern when your employees are not working from the corporate office

Correlation with performance

Find the optimal time range for collaboration that maximizes individual performance of employees, enabling HR to design better collaborative routines

Work & life

Individuals who prioritize well-being habits are more productive and manage their schedules to find a balance with other activities

Analyze the metadata of collaboration from the main tools of communication

herramientas de colaboracion.png
PeopleOPTI ONA - Analisis de redes organizacionales.png

"Use relational analytics to create more effective and healthy collaborative cultures for the organization."

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